Thursday, 17 February 2011

Words Fail Me UEFA

Platini: Cock

Ah UEFA, an organisation so obsessed by money I've no doubt it's board members would sell their own grandparents if they knew they could make a decent profit. Today they released the ticket prices for the Wembley final of this years Champions League final on May 28th. They are staggering. This year a "Category 1" ticket will set back the ordinary fan, £300. If that's a little "steep" for your ordinary fan, don't worry, you can opt for UEFA's 'cheapest' option instead, only a paltry £150. This isn't inflation, it's daylight robbery. If you are lucky enough to actually come through the lottery of the ticket draw, you can then add a £26 ADMINISTRATION fee on top of your £300 and lucky you! The ticket is yours. An absolute disgrace.

Michel Platini and his UEFA Merry Men may as well be wearing masks and have swag bags over their shoulders. Incase Platini ever gets hold of this I would like to say, you Mr Platini are a disgrace, a crook and a parasite on our game. On moving the final to a Saturday evening Platini said, "I also hope that playing the Uefa Champions League final on a Saturday will give families, especially children, the chance to see the game." Well this year, those ever caring UEFA delegates have allocated 250 tickets for those children to watch their final. 250. Considering they wanted to give families the chance to attend the final, assuming a typical family consists of 2 adults and 2 children, a night at Wembley could set you back as much as £1200.  We all know the reason they moved the final was for commercial purposes, if you think you are fooling anyone Platini, you ain't.

Wembley will have a reduced allocation of 86,000 for the final, with each participating finalist allocated 25,000 tickets to give to their fans. With experience I can tell you that will not happen. Both clubs will help themselves to about 10,000 tickets to give to sponsors, players, ex players, staff, tea lady etc. A further 11,000 tickets are available through a "UEFA Ballot". This is where it gets really funny. The other 25,000 tickets will then go to the, and I quote, "European Football Family". Well, where do I start? European. Football. Family. THAT DOESN'T EVEN EXIST. 25,000 tickets which could go to real fans who have attended all the games leading upto the showpiece final, the people who actually deserved their place there instead will end up in the hands of UEFA's odious pals. Just so that some suit from Heineken or Sony can round up his fat cat pals and go on his jollies to London for the weekend. And that is what UEFA are all about. They are as corrupt an organisation as you could ever have the misfortune to come across.

The highlight of todays press release is saved for the final line, without a hint of irony.....

"UEFA also encourages fans not to be lured into deals with touts who not only demand exorbitant prices but are often not in possession of the tickets they purport to have for sale."

So basically, don't enter UEFA's ballot......

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